
eTwinning project: «Little Green Hands»

During the 2021/2022 school year, in partnership with other schools in Portugal, Turkey, Estonia and Poland, we developed the eTwinning project «Little Green Hands» and we truly felt «Little Green Hands», because we got to work. ... We made us rethink habits and raise awareness of the educational community and the community in general, not only in Portugal, but also with other European countries, because we have to unite and make Planet Earth healthier and sustainable at the global level. environmental, social and economic! We feel like active and more enlightened citizens and, despite our young age, we are already capable of mobilizing entities, institutions, family members, entrepreneurs,... , distributing flyers and displaying posters, promoting and participating in Workshops... With the eTwinning project «Little Green Hands», we felt that we were really learning, acting in society, making us rethink and contributing to make everyone feel active agents of change and promoters of

Zoo Santo Inácio – Study visit

Today, our classroom was Zoo Santo Inácio. Zoo Santo Inácio is the largest and greenest zoological park in the north of our country. We love being together with Nature! It was an unforgettable wild experience! We learned that biodiversity is essential for the life of planet Earth and that we must preserve the Environment.   2ºD – EB dos Enxertos https://httpsaprendizes.blogspot.com/2022/05/zoo-santo-inacio-visita-de-estudo.html  

Practical activity on sustainable agriculture and biodiversity…

As part of the eTwinning project «Little Green Hands», in the Study of the Environment subject, we developed a very interesting practical class, guided by Mr. Engineer Paulo Pinto. We learned that sustainable agriculture is one that respects the environment, is fair from a social point of view and manages to be economically viable. Sustainable agriculture guarantees present and future generations the ability to respond to production needs and the quality of life on Planet Earth, respecting and protecting natural resources. Above all, it is very important not to waste!... In this class, we carry out a sowing, but before that we build the pots from empty water bottles. Each of us has put our hands on the earth and chosen a seed that will germinate and give rise to a healthy and beautiful plant! We know that we have to know how to take care of our “little pots”!... We are anxious to see the plants grow, because we will be able to observe a great plant diversity (biodiversity)! In th

Experiences with the Air

During this week we learned that air exists, has weight, cannot be seen and takes up space through research and experience. We looked like scientists! We also discovered that wind is air in motion. A wind turbine, or wind turbine, is a piece of equipment that takes advantage of wind energy, wind energy, and converts it into electrical energy. “Renewable energy sources are energy sources from natural resources that are constantly renewed in a sustainable way, even after being used to generate electricity or heat. Examples are rainwater, wind, biomass, the sun, ocean waves and the heat of the Earth.” Wind energy is generated by wind. In this way, “wind farms are installed in places where the average annual wind speed exceeds 6 m/s, which in Portugal occurs in mountainous areas and close to the coast.” Also, we made an abstract painting with our breath, food coloring and a straw.   2ºD – EB dos Enxertos https://httpsaprendizes.blogspot.com/2022/05/experiencias-com-o-a.html

Room + Green

Our plants are grown! They germinated in a healthy way and some are already bearing fruit… They were watered and left in the sun, with medium to high temperatures. We discovered that it is solar energy and hot air that will accelerate the seed maturation process. No chemicals harmful to health, q.s. of attention and a daily dose of affection… now all that's left to do is enjoy our vegetables that are healthy, lush and full of flavor. We like to learn like this...   2ºD – EB dos Enxertos https://httpsaprendizes.blogspot.com/2022/05/sala-verde-as-nossas-plantas-estao.html

PIPA Project (2nd part)

As part of the PIPA Project (Project for Intervention Prevention of Accidents) we went to visit the Fire Department in our city. The visit consisted of the notion of the «Star of Life», that is, from the aid. We started the visit with the observation of a pre-hospital rescue vehicle (ambulance). Firefighter Maria and firefighter Rui explained to us everything inside and outside the ambulance. We love to learn! We even played the victim! Also, we visited the telephone exchange of this barracks. We saw a distress call. Firefighter Maria, with her professionalism and dedication, answered the call and, soon after, an ambulance left with two firefighters from the corporation to provide first aid to an elderly man with epilepsy. Next, the nurse/fireman Miguel showed us some of the fire/extrication vehicles, the firemen's dormitory and the changing room where each locker had a photo of each firefighter and each one's helmet. To end the visit to the barracks, on International

International Recycling Day

  The 17th of May was the International Recycling Day. This day was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), with the aim of awakening in society the need to reflect on environmental issues and consumerism. Recycling is the process of transforming used materials into new products, which makes it possible to use natural resources more rationally, reduce energy consumption and reduce environmental pollution. It is therefore a fundamental process in the cycle of sustainability of the Planet. Currently, only 16.5% of the waste produced is sent to recycling bins. Extending the life cycle of packages, making them valuable objects even after being used, depends only on the separation of packages, which begins in our homes. To commemorate this important date, we watched a video about the 5R's and played make-believe with packaging and packages that were going to be recycled in order to learn how to deal with money. “The best wa